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Photos of the Fortnight 1.6

Pictures this time are from my trip to Nexen's Marine Terminal last week. This facility is where all of our produced oil is transported to and loaded onto oil tankers for shipping to eastern markets. The facility is critical to the Yemen economy due to the country's heavy reliance on oil exports. Being so high profile, the facility has been targeted twice in the last 6 years (2002 and 2006) by terrorist groups. I was actually in Yemen when the second attack happened.

I was lucky enough to have the chance to visit the Terminal for some meetings. I did get a chance to take the terrorist tour of the place with a guy who was at the site during both of the attacks. Here are some pictures.

This is an oil spill response boat. Luckily it has never been used in anything other than exercises.

Tug boats used for position supertankers and to haul distribution hoses to the tankers.

Storage tanks. Each of these holds 500,000 barrels. There is another that holds a million.

A French tanker was actually loading while I was there. This one holds a million barrels. This facility can handle tankers up to twice that size.


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