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Haircut...real job

For those who haven't heard, I've officially resigned from my job in Yemen. In two weeks, I will be returning to Canada permanently amidst very mixed emotions. I have accepted a new job very near our residence in the Crowsnest Pass. It not only provides a sharp career advancement opportunity, but it means that I get to stay at home and be a full time dad to our expected little one (don't know if it is a boy or girl yet, can't wait to find out in 6 weeks) .

I will breakdown the decision when things slow down enough for me to try to figure out how it happened myself.

Oh, and I got a haircut.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marty, I just read the special news about your new job in Canada. It will definitely be a big change for you but great that you will not miss your little child growing up.
All the best for the last 6 weeks and keep us updated!

April 24, 2008  
Blogger Marty said...

Nice to hear from you, Johan. I hope all is well with your family.

The news is exciting. On one hand, I am sad to leave this place where I have spent so much time and effort in the last 4 years. However, I am very excited about being home with Melissa and baby permanently. As a bonus, the position I have accepted sounds outstanding and it is very near to where we live in the mountains.

My one regret is that I won't be back to visit Belgium in the near future. However, expect a visit at some point in the future. We will expect a visit from Ann and you as well. Just tell me the date and I'll be at the airport to pick you up.

Please pass along our regards to your family. How is your parents' house progressing?

April 24, 2008  

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