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The Baby Racket

I had a bit of an eye-opener today.

We are down in Spokane, Washington on the first leg of what Melissa is calling our last vacation ever. We are here to do some shopping and check out the city before heading to Kelowna on Friday. In particular, we are shopping for baby supplies. Over the past few months, Melissa has spent a great deal of time over-analyzing what our baby needs and we now have a shopping list. That is only half of it though. Being tightwads, now we have to go out and find the best deal possible for the items on the list to avoid the pain of knowing we didn't do everything possible to get the right price. She's done some looking at used stores in Calgary, but the prices generally aren't that cheap (another downside to the Alberta boom??). She has scored nicely on using the online classified site Kijiji. We've found some good used stores down here and have done okay to fill out our list.

However, after spending an hour in 'Babies R Us', it appears that the list may be incomplete. After looking at the endless baby products out there, the proprietors of this chain store would like me to believe that I may be needing a serious loan to stock up on everything that the little guy/girl is going to demand once it arrives on the scene in 2 short months. The products available are ridiculous. I actually left the store to get my camera to take pictures of some of the madness.

Maybe, I am taking this too lightly and I am going to end up being very under prepared and well on my way to a poor showing at the father of the year awards. Have a look at some of these products (and the prices) and let me know if I am off-base here.

Do they make this in adult sizes? A little pee never hurt anyone...did it?

Warm wipes. Does it really matter? It's not like they are stored in the fridge.

My favourite..the $38 diaper toolbox. It must be a serious mess if you need to break out a tool box.

Official baby accessory drying rack. Come on.

Baby whirlpool. I'll only get this if the cat can use it too. Do you think cat fur will clog the jets?

A digital bath spout thermometer. We opted for the 48c rubber ducky that changes colour if the water is too hot.

This may be useful, I just thought it was too funny not to share.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure about the cat fur blocking the jets but I know 12 grown men will.

March 24, 2008  

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