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Fill Me In 1.4

Best work related story?
When I was in the first or second year into my career, I volunteered with my employer to be part of the Campus recruiting team. This included strategizing about how to attract University students and new graduates to the company I was working for. A big part of this was attending University Career days to promote the company.

Well, I was asked to attend a Career day at the University of Saskatchewan, my alma mater. This was my very first business trip of any kind and I was feeling pretty important. I flew into Saskatoon and took a cab to the Sheraton down by the river (and I never take cabs, but I had an expense account all of the sudden). I checked in, made myself comfortable, went out for a nice meal with friends and went to bed at a reasonable hour as I had an early morning the next day.

The next day, I was awoken nice and early with a wake up call from the front desk. As I had plenty of time to spare, I thought it would be a smart idea to order breakfast from room service to give myself energy for the day. I still remember that I thought eggs benedict and some freshly squeezed orange juice would do the trick.

When the breakfast arrived, I took my time and enjoyed it. When I was finished, I thought it would be courteous of me to put the tray in the hallway so that the cleaning staff could return it to the kitchen. I took the tray out into the hallway, bent over to put it down and distinctly heard the door click behind me.

Normally, this is really no big deal, except that I am standing in the hallway in my freaking underwear. Big shot, eh?

What to do? I looked around quickly for a phone of some sort to call down to the front desk. No luck. I walked quickly down the hall to find someone from the cleaning staff, but it was too early in the day.

I realized that my only choice was to bite the bullet and head down to the front desk to get another key. I'll never forget going to the desk in my underwear, asking for a key and having the receptionist ask me if I had any identification! I can't imagine the look on my face.

This is the day that I lost my ability to be embarrassed.

Last item purchased on the internet?
University transcript.

Any magazine subscriptions?
National Geographic, Wired, Esquire, Outside.

What is your guilty indulgence?
Email. It seams that I can't go 1/2 a day without checking my email which is weird because no one ever emails me.

Perfect winter activity?
Cross country skiing.


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