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Photos of the Fortnight 1.4

The theme for this installment is vehicles.

We recently bought another truck. There was nothing wrong with the old one, it just did not have enough space for the expanding family. The new one is a Toyota Tacoma, breaking my string of 3 straight Ford Rangers. This is the 4th truck in a row that I've owned. I must have the Alberta truck disease.

Here is a photo journey of all of the vehicles in my life.

1983(?) Plymouth Colt

1984 Ford Ranger

1992 Ford Ranger

2002 Ford Ranger

2006 Toyota Tacoma


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the photo of your red ranger looks straight out of a brochure! Is that the one that you're using to sell it? Those mountains are gorgeous...

March 30, 2008  
Blogger Marty said...

Yep...that is the sales shot. I remember taking that photo for that exact reason. The photo was taken just south of the border in Montana.

Here is my sales site so far... Haven't decided on a price yet.

March 30, 2008  

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