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Photos of the Fortnight 1.5

Stuck in Yemen with nothing overly inspiring to take a picture of, I'm going describe the photos that make up the banner at the top of this page. At the time I made this banner, I think the only photos I had access to were from our cross-continent trip we took in the summer of 2006.

This picture was taken in the Adirondack mountains of upstate New York very near Lake Placid. Beautiful part of the world.

This picture was taken at a campground very near the Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick. Oddly, my back is to the Bay of Fundy in this picture. Instead, the lighting over this slough was more appealing.

With the "what's up w/marty?" sign, it is clear to see that some photo alterations were made. The original picture was taken in Gatineau park just north of Ottawa. The sign was added.

This picture was taken about 10 minutes into the trip in the Crowsnest Pass. The perspective is westward into the Pass. The picture fails to show the massive Frank Slide on both sides of the highway.


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