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Fill Me In 1.3

Next trip you are going to take?
Nothing as exotic and glamourous as we have done in the last few years. Likely a quick trip to Kelowna with a stop in Nelson.

What radio station to you listen to most?
It's got to be the CBC. Laugh if you will, but the CBC makes you think.

Name one thing you are obsessed with.
I am obsessed with the internet. It is my primary source of entertainment and information.

What is the smartest thing you ever did?
Going to university and gaining my accounting designation. University really wasn't that difficult. Honestly, I believe that anyone can get a degree if they put the effort into it. The designation took a lot more work, but it has set me up with a nice career.

How many watches do you own?
I own 4 watches. The one I like the most is still the $11 fake Swiss Military watch that Melissa brought home from Thailand for me in 1999. A few batteries later, I am amazed it is still ticking.


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