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And so it ends

As I reach the last few hours of my time in Yemen, I have been reflecting on my experience over the past 4 years. Getting the opportunity to work in this country and culture and to work with all of you, and others who have passed through this place, has been a pleasure. Professionally, I have developed a very unique set of skills that will serve me for the remainder of my career. Personally, I take away memories, friendships and a real sense of accomplishment.

I would like to thank my rotational partner, Frank MacDonald. So often I have seen rotational partnerships become barely functional and even detrimental to the goals of the company. Seeing this has made me very appreciative of my relationship with Frank. Any success I have had is shared directly with Frank.

I would like to thank the nationals who have worked directly for Frank and I the past few years. I am specifically referring to Dhulfaqar Rashid, Riyadh Washali, Ahmed Bashrahil, Saeed Al-Hareizy and Jalal Al-Khader. In my career, I have never seen such a hard working, ambitious and dedicated group of guys. Routinely, they go above and beyond the job requirements without complaint. Any success that Frank and I have had is directly attributable to them.

To the nationals, I would like to thank you for welcoming me as a guest in your fascinating country. I hope that I have given back as much as this country has given me.

To the expats, I would like to thank you for the good times we have shared over the years.

Farewell and best wishes to all of you in the future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure it is sad to say goodbye to all your good friends there but we are excited to have you coming "back home!" Best of Luck Bro!

May 01, 2008  
Blogger Dhulfaqar said...

All your friends wish you best of luck

We miss you so much
We are sad to say Goodbye to you but happy that you are building up your career

Dhulfaqar Anwer Rashid
Bashir A-Khair Production Facility
Canadian Nexen Petroleum East Al-Hajr
Hadramout - Yemen

May 12, 2008  

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