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Drum roll please...

I am ecstatic to share that Melissa gave birth to a baby girl, Leah Lyn Neumeier, last night at 9:30pm in Blairmore, AB.

Leah came into this world at 22 inches in length, 7 lbs 14 ounces, a little bit of dark hair and a wonderfully calm disposition. This last trait was very welcomed by the new parents as we had a very long ordeal of a day which included 18 hours of tough labour followed by a cesarean section after it was determined that our little girl was not going to drop into place to have a traditional birth.

Mom did an amazing job and has already put the excruciating experience behind her and has really taken to her new role. While Dad was just a bit player in the production, I happy to report that he held his own and remained calm as can be, until he hard Leah cry as they removed her from Mom's belly. He promptly melted into a puddle of tears. He pulled it together to spend Leah's first hour with her until Mom was out of recovery. We had a converstaion (albeit a little one-sided) that I'll never forget.

Melissa will be in the hospital for until at least Thursday and maybe longer as she recovers from the abdominal surgery.

Pictures of the child have been taken, but will have to wait a day for publishing here as doofus Marty forgot the camera at the hospital.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome news - can not wait to see the little lady!!!!

May 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! We are so happy and proud to welcome little Leah into our family! We love you! And she already has one happy fan...Doods!

May 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't put the baby in the shower as you did that cat you had.
Congrats on your new little one

May 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marty & Melissa,
We are very happy for Leah's arrival!
All the best for the 3 of you... Filipe & Luciana

May 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Starting with a girl is a great idea in my humble opinion. That way, when the second and third arrive, you already have in place a little mini-mommy!

Good job you guys, you will make wonderful parents!

May 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news and congratualtions to all of you. The kids read your blog so the news is out.

Remember no air horns to wake her up from her nap.

all the best.


May 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the healthy happy baby. You 2 enjoy her and the happiness that she will bring to you. There will be some not so fun times and challenges, but it is all worth it in the end.

June 01, 2008  

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