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Fill Me In 1.2

Favorite piece of clothing?
For me, clothing is definately comfort and function over fashion. I was recently surprised to see a photograph of myself in 2002 wearing what is still one of my favourite t-shirts. Anyways, my favourite piece of clothing is probably the black, long sleeved, v-neck sweater that I am wearing right now. Here is a picture of said garment in Istanbul.

I don't go anywhere without packing it because it serves so many purposes. Although, I did just buy a sharp cordueroy jacket in Dubai in December that I am quite fond of.

What books are you currently reading?
I am almost exclusively a non-fiction reader. About six months ago, I resolved to read more as the backlog of books that I have been amassing is getting out of hand. Since then, I have polished off Goin' Deep by Matt Dunigan, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson and A Storm in Flanders by Winston Groom. I am currently reading No Logo by Naomi Klein, Vagabonding by Rolf Potts and A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. This is on top of trying to stay caught up on the magazine subscriptions I have.

How did you and your spouse meet?
Over wonton soup when we were in Grade 3. Cute story, but I think we'll keep it to ourselves.

When was the last time you got pulled over by a cop?
Early summer, 1995; Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I got ticketed for speeding. $100 hurt pretty bad at the time, so I successfully resolved to adjust my driving behaviour to avoid future traffic violations.

What is the furthest you've been from home?
Through using Google maps, it looks like the furthest that I have been away from home is the south coast of Australia. Google map says it was a few kilometres shy of 15,000 KM from home


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Share the story from grade 3! Give me the heads up on what I need to do or not do for my grade 3er!!!!

March 01, 2008  
Blogger Marty said...

Buy me lunch and I'll tell you the story.

March 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let me know when your east of Yorkton!!!!!!!!

March 02, 2008  

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