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Fill Me In 1.4

Favorite travel destination?
Number one, it's not really about the destination, it's about the state of mind (and the food). Number two, I've been to too many places to have one overall favourite destination. Here is a quick, off the top of my head list of places that really stick out.

Prince Edward Island
The Cabot Trail (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia
Muskoka Lakes, Ontario
Traverse City area, Michigan
Glacier National Park, Montana
Ubud, Bali
Queenstown, New Zealand
Perhentian Island, Malaysia
Hong Kong
Melbourne, Australia
Buzios, Brazil

I'll try to do up a photo journey sometime of my favourite travel destinations (and photos).

Favorite home cooked meal?
Lasagna (but that may be because that's what I had today for lunch); a nice piece of meat that is given the right grilling treatment.

Any Million Dollar ideas?
I've got one. When I was in Calgary, I took the bus to work. It always pissed me off that the bus never arrived at the same time from day to day. This especially sucked in the winter, because you either had to go to the stop 10 minutes early or risk missing that bus and having to wait 15 minutes for the next one. Lose-Lose.

My idea was to have some sort of customizable phone notification system where you would receive a one ring phone call when your bus was within a designated time away from your stop. Given technology today, I am sure that this would be achievable and would undoubtedly get more people on the bus.

There's my idea. I'm not sure there is a million bucks in it, but feel free to exploit my idea.

Favourite TV shows?
It changes all of the time, but here are my current favourites:

The Office
Flight of the Conchords
The Border
Corner Gas
Prison Break
Rick Mercer Report

What is your educational background?
Bachelor of Commerce Degree, U of Saskatchewan
Certified General Accountant (CGA) professional designation
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) professional designation


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