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Coupe Grey 2008

After a long two years, I finally made my way back to Grey Cup weekend this year. If you recall, last year I made plans well in advance to forgo Grey Cup Weekend in Toronto in order to have Christmas off, which I hadn't spent in Canada for 5 years. Unfortunately, the Riders made their epic run and won the cup, all while I was stuck in the desert. That's life.

Shortly after accepting my new job back in Canada, I booked a flight to Montreal and have been waiting patiently since. Finally on Thursday, I drove to Lethbridge, hopped a 3-leg overnight flight to Montreal and arrived surprisingly awake on Friday morning.

The details of the weekend are a little fuzzy, so hopefully the pictures can help tell the story. A few of the regulars were abscent, but all the schenanigans were still present as we added a few rookies to the mix and had a blast. All in all, a great weekend, even though the game ended up being a bit of a dud. Grey Cup weekend is the mother of Canadian parties and it did not disappoint We've already got our hotel booked for downtown Calgary for next year's festivities.

Famous Montreal smoked meet from the iconic Schwartz's, well worth the wait and the walk. Food is always a highlight and Montreal did not disappoint. Between the poutine and smoked meat (and late, late night baklava), we were well fed. At one point, I ate 4 poutines within 24 hrs.

The big O, site of the game. Final attendance was over 66,000.
Throng of people on the way in.

Opening kickoff. Decent seats, except for the kids with the bloody airhorns in the row behind us and one very confused Rider fan next to me.


Presentation of the Grey Cup to the damned Stumps.

Lovely, but cold, downtown Montreal.

The Bell Centre, home of the Habs.
Championship banners.


Opening faceoff. I'm not a big hockey guy, but the energy in this rink was great. Canadiens lost in a shootout after a bit of late game stupidity when they scored on themselves.

Post Game snow flurries.


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