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An Eventful Weekend...for a change

Things have been busy so the blog has been ignored. In fact, I've been working on this simple post for almost a week now. Life just gets in the way.

Since I last checked in, we took possession of our new house in Blairmore. Prior to moving, we spent significant time painting the 3 bedrooms which came out great. The actual move was done by professionals (covered by my employer) which took a real burden off. Unpacking has been going fine, but I am sure we will still be dealing with unpacking boxes to the end of the year.

For the first time in a month and a half, we actually did something on the weekend. I took last Friday off and we took a trip to Waterton. We started out heading through Pincher Creek and then on to Twin Butte for lunch. Twin Butte is comprised of about 4 houses, but they have a Mexican restaurant which is quite good, even if it is a bit out of place. In Waterton, we headed up to Cameron Lake and I took the kayak for a paddle. I ended up going to the end of the lake, which is actually in the United States. Have a look at the attached map. After spending the afternoon walking around the townsite, I took Melissa to the plant where I work and then we followed the backroads home.

We continued the weekend of adventure by heading to Fernie on Saturday for the "Taste of Fernie" event. Another great day.

This week found us in Calgary for 3 nights as I had some work meetings. When I took the job, I was told that I should expect to have to come to Calgary about once a month. It has been a lot more for a number of reasons, but I can't really complain. Next week we are back for another 3 days and then in mid October, another 3 days again. Nice city to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

Enjoy some of the pictures from our weekend.


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