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I caught myself feeling a little nostalgic the last few days for my former life in Yemen. That's right, I am a little homesick for the only stable home I've had in the last few years.

It is nothing more than fond reminiscence though as I have no regrets about my decision.

Specifically, I miss:
-the work ethic of my Yemeni staff
-my beard
-Chicken cooked every way you could imagine
-Flying to work
-my cabin
-The euphoria of hitting the tarmac in Abu Dhabi after a 42 day shift (making it to Friday isn't the same)
-3pm tea with Neil Bennett (where are you, Neil?)
-speculating about when baklava might be on the dessert tray
-conversations with my Yemeni brothers
-watching Dubai being built from the ground up
-Airport lounges and 5 star hotels (although I've had my share of those in Calgary in the last 3 months)
-12 hour work days (I can't seem to get rolling at work here)
-alone time in my cabin
-unbelievable buffet breakfasts in Dubai hotels
-Air miles
-Saturday nights at the club
-the boys
-noon hour walks in the hot hot sun

That said, there are a couple of things that make it good to be home. Coming home every night to a smiling baby. Actually starting to feel like I am part of the community here. Spending a lot more time exploring the beautiful area that we live in. Getting excited to move to our new house (movers are booked for Aug 25). Being the big cheese at work. Enjoying a full summer, not just 4 weeks of it.

It's all good, just a little sadness about the chapter just closed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Marty,

I understand about missing Yemen. Cuba has been good so far but nothing beats the euphoria of going to Dubliners and knowing that I will be taking a great trip somewhere.

Here it is very much a normal job but I never really felt that way in Yemen. Maybe it was the coveralls.

Hopefully we can hook up in Calary in August.

How is the baby.


July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what I miss:
- meeting you in airports around the world
- airport lounges
- leaving my 'to do' list at home when on a trip
- the first couple days of 'alone time' when you go back to work
- hanging out on 4 week vacations

July 30, 2008  
Blogger Marty said...

I miss being my wife's hero when I can get her into an airport lounge or into business class.

July 30, 2008  

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