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Bali One

After a quick trip through Dubai, I headed to Singapore on an overnight flight. Thankfully, Melissa was waiting for me at my arrivals gate. She had been on a monster flight from Calgary-Vancouver-Seoul-Singapore and arrived about 7 hours prior to me. We then boarded our short 2 her flight to Bali.

Our first three nights were spent in the Sri Phala Resort located in Sanur Beach. Normally, this would be way out of our league, but the tourist economy in Bali is very poor now after the bombings here in October, 2005. The room we got usually goes for $125 USD a night, but we got it for $50. Beautiful place, but not in a great location. It poured (real rain...not that pissy rain we get in Canada) for three days. This was great as we were both looking for some real down-time after getting there. Just today, we left Sanur beach and headed to Ubud, a town in central Bali which is considered the arts and culture center of the island. Didn't do much today other than check out the town and enjoy some of the beautiful scenery (endless rice paddies with a volcano on the horizon). We're not sure what the next few days will bring (maybe a bike tour, cooking class, a good book), but we are having a good time in this very different place.


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