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Energy Saving Tips

I picked up the Arpil 9th issue of Time magazine at an airport and read an interesting article on global warming. There is a great deal of debate around the topic and whether it is being caused by increased abuse of the planet by humans or simply a cycle of the earth's life (remember that we were in an ice age not so long ago - in relation to the earth's history).

I don't have an opinion either way, although I suppose I could form one with some more research on the issue. However, the article was paired with another piece titled 51 Things We Can Do to Save the Environment. While the debate on the causes of global warming will continue, it cannot be argued that we are much too hard on the planet and need to start thinking a bit more creatively about ways we can lessen our personal impact on the planet. While few will ever be considered fully eco-friendly, we should all aspire to make smarter decisions on a daily basis. Here are the tips (some obvious, others a little more creative) that jumped out to me when reading the article. Feel free to read the entire article to see if anything else jumps out at you.

#3 Change Your Lightbulbs
#7 Hang Up a Clothes Line
#11 Take Another Look at Vintage Clothes
#14 Ride the Bus
#16 Pay Your Bills Online
#17 Open a Window
#24 Just Say No to Plastic Bags
#25 Support your local farmer
#30 Shut off your computer
#44 Check Your Tires

And the best for last
#51 Consume Less, Share More, Live Simply

I like this last one the best as they are smart words to live by in so many ways (more than just to become a tree-hugger). To remind myself of this great phrase, I've added it to the very bottom of the blog as a permanent footer.


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