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25 Random Things About Me

There is a goofy chain-letter type exercise going around Facebook where you state 25 random things about yourself to tempt others to do the same. I'll share mine with you. If you are inclined, feel free to add yours in the comments.

1) I don't believe in fate, but have a hard time explaining how I got to where I am without the idea of fate.

2) I wish I lived closer to family, but can't really imagine living anywhere else.

3) I learned the value of a dollar and the satisfaction of a hard day's work from my Grandfather.

4) I'm impressed with how well my wife has taken to motherhood.

5) My pet peeve is people's misuse of the comma.

6) I love documentary movies. Not Michael Moore films, but REAL documentaries.

7) I was told by an optical technician a few years back that I have the largest eyeballs she'd ever seen.

8) I have a hard time throwing t-shirts out. It is
always a trip to see a t-shirt from my current wardrobe show up in a 10 year old picture.

9) I am skeptical of all advertising.

10) I'm glad we waited until our thirties to start a family.

11) I hate talking on the phone. I hate getting my haircut even more.

12) I've never used deoderant. Call me uncivilized, but I just don't sweat enough.

13) I feel fortunate to have witnessed the technological advancements of the past 20 years.

14) My nickname as a kid (given by my sisters, I think) was Butch. My brother's was Boober. I'm glad I got Butch.

15) I can't understand people who live beyond their means.

16) I'm introverted and shy away from the spotlight.

17) I'm an illegal downloader...not sure how to explain that one when Leah asks.

18) I'm tragically cheap which I learned from my wife. It has its pros and cons.

19) I'm a bath person.

20) I've spent almost 3 years of my life outside Canada. Enough time to realize that I am really lucky to be Canadian.

21) I'm going bald. I've accepted it. My wife hasn't.

22) I really enjoyed my time in University and sometimes wish I could relive those years.

23) I've known my wife since we were 8 years old. We met over wonton soup.

24) I read only non-fiction.

25) I really like being the Dad.


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