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Obscure Movie Recommendations

I think it must be quite well known to this blog's readership that I spend a lot of time on airplanes. Probably around 20 hrs per month. Thankfully, most of this is flown in business class. Aside from the fancy food and comfy seats, the biggest perk of sitting at the front of the plane is the on-demand entertainment system. On Air Canada, they usually show 15 movies. Usually 4 or 5 of these are new Hollywood movies and the rest fall under the categories of classics, oldies, little known Canadian movies, documentaries and low budget indie films. I usually find myself watching some of the more obscure movies as I don't think I would ever get the chance to see them otherwise. I'd like to share a couple of great mockumentary movies that I saw on a recent flight that I really enjoyed.

First up is an Australian movie called 'Kenny'. I quite enjoy Australian humour and this one is fantastic. It follows the daily story of Kenny, a portable toilet installer who takes great pride in his job. Classic potty humour with the sophistication of being a foreign film.

The second is a movie that Melissa saw recently and was raving about. It's called 'Radiant City' and is a Canadian movie (shot in Calgary) about the blandness of the typical North American suburban lifestyle. Although, Melissa and I never lived in the suburbs while we were in Calgary, I can really relate to some of the big city themes that are discussed in the movie. It is entertaining in quite an odd way. It was a bit of a tragic comedy for me as I am happy to not be living in that city anymore, but I fear that I will be back there in the rat race one day.


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