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Our New Town

Here is a picture of our new town, Coleman, Alberta. Our house is in the vicinity of the red and white antenna on the left of the picture. It is going to take a bit of adjusting to get back into the small-town groove, but we are looking forward to it. My favorite small town thing so far is having to go to the post office to get your mail.

I've been back at work now for about two weeks with two more to go. Not a whole lot new. I had a brief (very brief) bit of excitement when movie star Jean-Claude Van Damme got on our plane from Frankfurt to Dubai. I was half expecting for a terrorist hijacking plot to unfold that he would have to diffuse. Didn't happen.

Temperature is hot as heck here. It approaches 45 Celsius at mid-day. It doesn't bother me a great deal but I don't stray to far from air conditioning.

While I have been busy, I have spent my evenings getting ideas for our road trip coming up in a few weeks. I kind of like to have things planned to a reasonable level of detail, but am trying to hold back and to take it as it goes. One thing I have been trying to loosely plan is the route. The initial plan is to head straight south into the US and over to Minnesota to visit a good friend. From there, I think through Wisconsin, Michigan and up into Canada around Windsor. Once past Lake Ontario, I am thinking of going back into the States (New York state, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Maine) before entering New Brunswick. After touring the Maritimes, then back through Quebec, Ontario, the Prairies and then home. I have no idea if this is realistic to do in just over 5 weeks, but we're going to have fun trying. If anyone has any tips about what to do and see along the way, please email me. I don't want to miss any must see spots.


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