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A Quick Recap

Before I begin my real-time blogging, I'm going to go back a month and a half to give a recap of my busy month of November. I left Yemen on Oct 26 after an exhausting 42 day shift. Rather than go straight home and relax, I flew directly to Toronto for 8 days to take an SAP course (SAP is the financial software package that we use here). Thankfully, Melissa flew to Toronto for the weekend and we had a great time.

Our time in Toronto was uneventful, but very relaxing. One funny thing happened. Melissa and I went to an Indian buffet on Queen Street. Since I was on a per diem, I decided to go all out and get a mango juice. I am not sure the chain of events, but shortly after I got the drink, at least 80% was in my lap. That marks the first time I've ever been in a restaurant bathroom in my underwear, washing my pants in the sink and drying them with the hand dryer. Thankfully, I don't have a whole lot of shame. Other than that, the course was good and I made it home just in time for my parent's annual visit. At the same time, my in-laws were in town for a few days. Made or a hectic week.

**Random Thought: Toronto was still in the midst of its colourful Autumn foliage when I was there. I didn't realize that the leaves hung on the trees longer out east. It was nice because I've missed the last two falls out west the last 2 years.**

Once we kicked everyone out, we went down to the Crowsnest Pass to take possession of our new house (pictured). We were pleasantly surprised to find the place had much more charm than we even remembered when we purchased it. We spent 3 nights there sleeping on the floor and soaking up the area. It is amazingly beautiful and we are looking forward to spending much more time there beginning in the spring.

The other highlight of my November was my annual trip to the Grey Cup. This is my fourth Grey Cup in a row and fifth overall. Every year, I meet up with my GC traveling partner, Jeff Banow, and we have the most ridiculous weekend of the year. This year we were joined by my brother Dean and another friend, Chris, from Minnesota. Highlights included getting free tickets to a Vancouver Canuck hockey game and getting down to the locker room area to chat with some players (entirely due to Jeff's uncanny ability to get backstage anywhere, anytime). The other highlight was the Spirit of Edmonton Breakfast. A buffet of greasy breakfast coupled with unlimited 'Sluice Juice' at 8am makes for some good memories. I don't remember all of the details, but apparently I lead the Conga line. Good times. Usually, Grey Cup weekend is about the parties and the game is anticlimactic. Not this year. One of the most exciting football games I've ever seen.

Keeping with the incredibly hectic month that was, I got home just in time to get on another plane to head back to work. In all honesty, I usually look forward to coming back to work just to get some rest. The trip back was uneventful and 40hrs after leaving the house in Calgary, I was back at my home here in the desert. Home sweet home.

Scenes from the Spirit of Edmonton breakfast at Grey Cup.

Festivities shown take place well before noon. Makes for a long day when you giv'er that early in the day.


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